Every week Master Chan Lee of J.K. Lee’s Black Belt Academy hosts a conference call open to all of our clients. In it he discusses the martial arts marketing tactics he’s used throughout the years. With 6 schools in the greater Milwaukee area, few can match his level of experience and expertise in marketing a martial arts school.
At the beginning of the year Master Chan Lee sets all of his calendars (marketing, sales, classes, etc.) and in this call Master Lee discussed what that calendar looks like this fall. Read the highlights from Master Lee’s most recent call or listen to it in its entirety below.
Offer Back to School Discounts on Gear
Over the summer, kids tend to grow quite a bit. This leads to the need for fresh new uniforms and sparring gear to wear to class. During the upcoming months, consider having a sale on uniforms and gear. What better way to help increase your school’s revenue while giving your students a great deal? Checkout https://acata.org.au/.
Rethink Your Special Offer
Opening up martial arts schools seems to be increasingly common. As schools open up there appears to be a cycle of special offers used to get people through the door and “free” is back in style. Giving away a free week (or more) of classes seems to be the offer that is working for others and, if you don’t keep up, competitors may snatch up potential students this way. Learn here more about plumbing services in California, as well as what do plumbers mainly do?
Is free the right offer for people in your area? Maybe not, but it doesn’t hurt to rethink your current offers and make sure you’re using the right one.
Host Anti-bullying Seminars
Anti-bullying is a key selling point of martial arts. The confidence taught is paramount to not being a target of bullying in the first place. To demonstrate this value (which can be hard to do without a parents watching class) host an anti-bullying seminar! Seminars that teach students how to protect themselves as well as to stand up against bullying are great ways to get new students through the door. Since a limited number of people can be gathered at seminars, you need to enable online attendance to the seminar, to all martial arts fans, and anti-bullying fighters. Just submit the footage to The Marketing Heaven and your videos will get thousands of likes in no time and thus reach all those interested, visit abetterwayinhomecare.com.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
This kind of goes hand in hand with the last section, but it’s a large focus for all martial arts marketing campaigns to maintain during the month of October. From presentations at local schools to promotions, the sky is truly the limit here. Get the message out about reducing the amount of bullying and use it to help increase the number of students that your school serves.
Use each student as a foundation to bring in more students.
When you think of a student, don’t just think of them as a single student. Each student has friends and family that could also be interested in signing up for your school. Read more about cannabis business banking at greenleafbizsolutions.com/. If your students are already happy with your classes, why wouldn’t they want to invite friends and family to join them? Make sure you provide them ample opportunity by hosting buddy days (where friends can join in classes for free), self defense seminars for women, and other events that encourage your current students to bring people they know.
If you would like further details on how to increase your school’s revenue, listen to Master Lee using the audio player above. You’ll be glad that you spent a few minutes seeing exactly how you can improve your bottom line as well as gain the inspiration to take your marketing strategy to a whole new level.